Professor Toussaint Kafarhire Murhula


Professor Toussaint Kafarhire Murhula

Brief Profile

Toussaint Kafarhire Murhula is a poet, Jesuit priest, theologian, literary critic, Executive Coach, and social scientist. He received a B.A. in philosophy from Facultés Saint Pierre Canisius (Kinshasa), another B.A. in Theology from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (Nairobi), a Licentiate in Sacred Theology (STL) in Ethics and Social Theories from University of Santa Clara (California), an M.A. in Political Science and a PhD in Global Politics and International Relations (Chicago). His research interest focuses on social justice, democracy and peace, political violence and conflicts, religion, and Global Public Health politics. He has taught at Loyola University Chicago in the US, Episcopal Theological College of Pecs in Hungary, Hekima University College in Kenya, and Université Loyola du Congo (ULC) in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Kafarhire is the current president of ASAA; a member of the Editorial Board of Global Africa Review; the Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa (CIHA) Blog; Reseau Elikya ; the Pan-African Catholic Theology and Pastoral Network and Africa region coordinator of Catholic Theological Ethics in World Church (CTEWC)